2017年5月30日 星期二






Holy Dharma

H.H.第三世多杰羌佛韻雕作品-「一石橫嬌」 (韻雕中的皇帝 人類世界首創不可複製的藝術珍品)


(韻雕中的皇帝 人類世界首創不可複製的藝術珍品)

「一石橫嬌」這件雕塑,是玄妙彩寶雕(Yun Sculpture)的精華之作,是H.H.第三世多杰羌佛為人類創造的超越自然美的藝術精魂,它來源於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛創造的超過大自然美的藝術,達到人類歷史上從未出現過的人工超自然境界,使得世界上有了任何能工巧匠、包括高科技都複製不了的藝術。其實在十幾年前,我們就聽到有人說,有一件雕塑品被稱為「絕世珍寶」,說心裡話,這樣的稱譽,我們無法接受。「絕世」二字,談何容易?只有世界上找不到比擬的,才能堪稱絕世。「絕世珍寶」,那必須是珍貴到了登峰造極無以匹敵的程度,方能堪稱絕世珍寶。從古至今,真正的絕世珍寶,有幾件雕塑品能堪此譽呢?可以說,找不到一件,就算歷史上被稱為價值連城的和氏璧,也不配「絕世珍寶」的頭銜,因為完全可以仿製,能仿製就不是獨一無二,不是獨一無二,就不是絕世,其實任何大師的雕塑之寶都可複製再現,僅憑這一點,就不配堪為「絕世珍寶」四個字的稱號!


A Rock of Horizontal Charm by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

A Rock of Horizontal Charm by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

A Rock of Horizontal Charm by H.H. Dorje Chang BuddhaIII

The sculpture A Rock of Horizontal Charm is a masterpiece of Yun Sculpture, embodying the spirit of an art surpassing the beauty of nature, created by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for humankind. Derived from an art form created by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that possesses beauty beyond nature’s, it has attained a realm –never before seen in human history – of artistry transcending nature, originating an art form in this world that is irreplicable by any craftsman or high technology.
Granted, more than ten years ago, we had already heard someone call a particular sculpture a “peerless treasure.” To speak truthfully, however, we could not concur with such an appellation. “Peerless” is not a word to use lightly. Only that which is truly in a league of its own in the world can properly be called peerless. A “peerless treasure” must attain the pinnacle of unrivaled preciousness in order to be so named. From ancient times to the present, how many sculptures can truly be christened a peerless treasure? It can be said that not even one can be found. Even the He Shi Bi (the Jade Disc of He), recorded in history as a treasure of monumental value, does not fit the title of “peerless treasure,” since it is completely replicable— and if it can be replicated, it is not unique; if it is not unique, it is not peerless. In fact, any master sculptor’s magnum opus can be recreated and, on this basis alone, is unfit to be designated a “peerless treasure”!
Our most indelible encounter with the appellation of “peerless treasure” came in 2017, when we saw the sculpture A Rock of Horizontal Charm for the first time. We were immediately awestruck, and in the moment we were simply moved to praise it from the heart, unable to find the most appropriate laurel with which to crown it, and could only pronounce that the laurel of “peerless treasure” belongs to no other! Therefore, this museum has named the room in which A Rock of Horizontal Charm is exhibited, “Peerless Treasure.” Just how remarkable is this sculpture? We must acknowledge that its extraordinary charm and beauteous spirit exceeds the highest realm of human sculpture, and truly manifests
Endless changes of spirit and feelings unfold
Mysterious motions envelop wonders untold
Only in heaven is such a presence found
No handiwork of artisan earthly bound
This divine sculpture is ranked the first, as the “emperor,” and will be shown to the public for the first time; while the second-ranked empress, Mystery of Lovely Colors, is exhibited in the Treasury of the International Art Museum of America; and the fourth-ranked little princess Yellow Yellow has been hailed by a viewer —during its exhibition at the Gold Room of a Congressional House office building on Capitol Hill— as “a gift from God to mankind.” These Wondrous Multicolored Sculptures are treasures of art irreplicable by any craftsman, expert, or high technology.
For the first time in the world, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has created an irreplicable art, and one can only say that when the Yun Sculpture appears, the most gorgeous jewels of the world lose their luster, just as the stars all pale against the resplendent moon. Its beauty is truly soul-enrapturing.










I Am Grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

           I Am Grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

I recall that it was 2007. At that time I just changed my job and thus was very busy. Sometimes I had to work overtime for the whole night and still had to work the next day. Doing that for long was more than what my body and mind could bear. I was like a robot working continuously without stop. I felt that human life was just for the three meals and I had to work incessantly.
Also, I had to spend considerable time and mental effort. Therefore, sometimes I would feel sad for no obvious reason. It was until my friend led me to the Bodhi Monastery in LA to listen respectfully to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Then, my whole person was like being fully charged and my heart was filled by indescribable joy, as if I had found a treasure that could let my mind feel satisfaction and pleasure. Since then, I always went to Bodhi Monastery on holidays and whenever I had time.
Also at that time, due to being too tired from so much work, I had chronic headache. When the pain came, it was truly horrible. I felt so painful like being hit by a hammer. My nose bled sometimes too. I went to doctors for that and had all kinds of examinations, but no cause could be found. At that time, I thought about reducing my workload, but was afraid of affecting the work progress. Also, that could not alleviate my problem of headache either. I was very much plagued and did not know what I should do.
Once, after listening respectfully to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, I chatted with a dharma master of the monastery about my physical situation. The dharma master gave me a red-colored holy pill (nectar pill) and let me take it orally. After returning home, I felt that my body was like being pinched by needles, as if undergoing a session of acupuncture. The feeling traveled like flowing throughout my body. I did not give much thought about that at the time. Then, without knowing how long it was after that, I suddenly realized while at work that I no longer had headache or nose bleeding recently. At that time, I recalled the sense and feeling I had after taking the nectar pill and returning home. I was moved to tears. I had this illness of headache for quite a few years. It could not be cured by treatment. I was very excited and shouted spontaneously:
I am grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! I am grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! I am grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! His Holiness the Buddha let me have this karmic condition to encounter the true dharma of the Tathagata and let me receive empowerment physically and mentally. I am willing to continuously make my effort in my entire life to follow H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to learn the true dharma of the Tathagata and I will never stop.

Humble Disciple: JO

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 來函印證 (第十二號)









H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Calligraphy- An example of a qi jue poem

                 H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III- Calligraphy

An example of a qi jue poem
Calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III- An example of a qi jue poem
From ancient times to the present, no product of an art or field of study has been able to reflect a person’s moral character and knowledge—except for calligraphy. The aura created by a person’s achievements or creations in a certain form of art or field of study often covers up his shortcomings in knowledge and character. However, calligraphy is an exception to this rule. Calligraphy is like a three-dimensional projecting mirror. The depth of one’s knowledge, the level of one’s moral character, and the strength of one’s mind are revealed through each stroke of the brush. There is no way to conceal such things. When looking at the quality of a person’s ordinary writing of Chinese characters, most people can discern the level of that person’s education. This is all the more true with respect to looking at a person’s calligraphy.
One cannot find in any history book an unknowledgeable person who has made a contribution to calligraphy. Those with profound and extensive knowledge are not necessarily proficient in calligraphy. However, a great calligrapher must have both knowledge and good brushwork. Without exception, all of the famous calligraphers throughout the generations were great masters of literature who had profound knowledge. Examples of this include ancient calligraphers such as Xizhi Wang, Su Huai, Shaoji He, Huaiguan Zhang, and Fei Yue. A modern example is Youren Yu. Each one of them was an extremely learned literary giant and paragon of virtue.
Knowledge is the pillar and cornerstone of calligraphy. Moral character can be seen in the style and charm of calligraphy. Thus, calligraphy requires both knowledge and moral character.
The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is not bound by worldly conventions and is devoid of unnecessary flamboyance. It is highly refined and based upon ingenious artistic conception. His Holiness’s strokes are sometimes written in a swift curling style. However, in an instant, His Holiness can express the innocent and natural charm of a child. There is wonder in even common strokes. His calligraphy is naturally graceful, exhibiting depth and brilliance. The calligraphy of His Holiness contains an invisible force that makes the characters seem much grander than they appear on a superficial level. His strokes look harmoniously smooth and unbroken. The Chinese characters may appear strong and vigorous, like a soaring dragon or mighty tiger. They may appear clear and gently elegant, like slowly floating clouds, cranes flying among pine trees, or dancing swans. They may appear simple and unadorned, like the free heart of a child. They are gracefully understated and completely devoid of any mundane quality. The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is natural in quality and resonates with the true nature of the universe. A deep power underlies His Holiness’s strokes.
The ability of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to reach such great heights in calligraphy is completely due to His Holiness’s vast knowledge and profound talents. Of course, His Holiness is extremely adept at learning from the styles of others since this is a simple matter for a Buddha. For example, even in the initial stage of learning calligraphy, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had solid skills in the traditional cursive style of writing and also had extensive learning. We can see from the first calligraphic work in this book the adroitness His Holiness had when He was first learning this cursive script.
There is also a qi jue poem written by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. A qi jue poem is a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. The phonetic reading of the poem is as follows: “hua gong ri yue li yang tian, xi cheng xi feng liu yue xian, gu peng lai cong ba sheng wang, shi zhi shu qi yi dong can.” One can see that this work has surpassed all traces of the mundane and has transcended all earthly impurities. Its style is lofty and pure.
When that poem was written, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was living in the seclusion of an ancient temple. His Holiness used his extraordinary realization to express his thoughts and feelings. The first line expresses that although His Holiness lived alone and secluded in the room of a temple, He governed the universe and bestowed blessings upon living beings. Thus, the first line reads, “hua gong ri yue li yang tian.”
The next line, “xi cheng xi feng liu yue xian,” conveys the scene that during the idle month of June H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III bathed in the Buddhastate of coolness while under the scorching sun. His Holiness was free of all worldly cares and attachments, and his body merged with the universe. When friends came, His Holiness heard the horns of their cars, but He had already transcended the world, residing in quietude and non-action. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III kept no notion of the date, and His Holiness’s mind did not abide in anything whatsoever. The people of the world were ignorantly attached to the changing seasons and came in their cars and horses to inform H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that summer had long passed and the winter was about to end. The ancient Buddha acknowledged this and smiled.
One can see from this how the calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has completely transcended the mundane. It is the calligraphy of a true Buddha. His Holiness’s calligraphic skills have reached such a pinnacle due to His complete realization in the Five Vidyas.
In recent years, there are works of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that have been written in the cursive mode of calligraphy, showing a flowing and unobstructed style, and expressing even more than before the charm of this writing technique. For example, the work Fei Cui Jade expresses the spirit of an immortal or Buddha, thoroughly transcending the three worlds of reincarnation, standing proudly above the five elements of the universe. It is truly calligraphy beyond the category of calligraphy, expressing a feeling that incorporates the whole universe.
His Holiness’s calligraphy of the Chinese characters lang ga luo bu (Treasure of Heaven) excels the writing of calligraphers throughout history. It transcends all traces of worldliness. It expresses deep strength, like that which can break jade. The style of another calligraphic work called wu wo nai da cheng (No-Self Is Great Accomplishment), conveys the firmness and simplicity of steel and the vigor of a sharp knife. However, these same characters also contain delicate beauty. That calligraphic style truly surpasses styles of the past and present.
Another calligraphic style of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is revealed in the writing of the Chinese characters xiao bu dian (Tiny). Such calligraphy shows the childlike innocence of a very old man, and its arrangement expresses the utmost ease and lack of rigid constraints. It is high-class calligraphy that does not even seem to be calligraphy. It is so elegant and refined that it completely transcends the mundane.
Beholding the character sheng (holy) written by His Holiness, one can see that it simultaneously embodies both the softness of ribbons and the innerfirmness of steel. Its inner beauty flows to the surface. Another example is the character fo, which means Buddha. The writing of that character demonstrates that His Holiness has truly attained the summit of calligraphic skills that the ancients extolled in the old saying, “the old pine branch cannot be weighed down by heavy snow; the might of a brush will lift a thousand-pound bronze cauldron.”
In fact, the calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has a deep foundation and an internal richness. It embodies the manifold sensations that one could possibly experience in one lifetime. The essence of all things in the universe converges at the tip of His Holiness’s brush. With such a transcendent state of realization, the myriad things of the universe are in the palm of this Buddha. The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is like a treasury. It can be vigorous, smooth, or naturally beautiful. His Holiness incorporates the best techniques of all of the schools of calligraphy. No words can really describe this! If you want to see lively and energetic flourishes of the brush, you can. If you want to see characters with adamantine firmness, you can. If you want to see strength within softness, you can. If you want to see the childlike innocence of a very old man, you can. If you want to see charm, purity, and wonder, you can. In other words, His Holiness’s calligraphic skills have reached the highest degree of proficiency and naturalness that only a Buddha could reach!





The Dharma Water Manifests Buddha Power– The Sincere Prayers to Buddhas Clear Unknown Illness

The Dharma Water Manifests Buddha Power

The Sincere Prayers to Buddhas Clear Unknown Illness

In Mid-October 2011, when layperson Ling-Xian Chen from New York came to San Francisco to visit Hua Zang Si (a temple in United States that propagates the dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III), she came to my place to listen to the Dharma. When I saw her, she seemed very gloomy. After a few words with her, I learned that her daughter-in-law, Su-Qing Chen in Taiwan was suffering from an unknown illness. She had  gone through several examinations at various hospitals and still could not find the cause of it. She was in agonizing pain and her body was so weak that her weight had gone down to 39 kilos. Layperson Ling-Xian Chen was very worried about this and was about to rush back to pay her a visit in Taiwan. At that time, I recalled that I had the Dharma water empowered by the Buddha. I made a small bottle for her and asked her to bring it to her daughter-in-law. I also asked her to tell her daughter-in-law to have faith in Buddha Dharma, truly repent her beginning-less karmic hindrances and sincerely beseech empowerment from the Buddhas.
After layperson Ling-Xian Chen arrived in Taiwan, she then learned that her daughter-in-law had suffered from the illness since the beginning of the year. Her symptoms started with skin rashes and itchiness. She had sought cures from everywhere to no avail. Then in October her illness got worse. She was not able to swallow. If she drank, the water would flow out of her nostrils; if she ate, the food would get stuck in her throat. The last resort was nasogastric intubation for feeding. On October 18, they found the name of the illness – dermatomyositis, but there was no cure for it. They could only treat her with corticosteroids or antibiotics. Afterwards, she experienced chest pain as a result of liquid retention in the lungs. They took out the liquid, yet the chest pain did not go away. After another check-up, they found a tear in the esophagus. Feeding through a tube was then stopped.
November 5 was the first time when layperson Ling-Xian Chen fed her daughter-in-law the Dharma water. She poured the pure Dharma water in the tube and asked her daughter-in-law how she felt about it. She said that it felt good and tasted fragrant. Afterwards, layperson Ling-Xian Chen poured the rest of the Dharma water evenly in several mineral water bottles. Every day she gave some of it to her daughter-in-law and comforted her daughter-in-law saying that with the Dharma water, she will receive the empowerment from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. As long as she has faith, she will have hope.
The prolong use of antibiotics and corticosteroids lead to anemia and malnutrition. At one point her limbs almost fell paralyzed and she could not even take care of her biological needs. To restore the tube feeding, the tube was inserted all the way to the small intestine which was a very painful process. After the evaluations were done by several departments, they decided on a surgery to suture the tear on the esophagus. On December 16, while in the surgery, the surgeons found that the tear of the esophagus had gotten too big, like the shape of a trumpet, to suture. They also found two additional small holes next to the heart. At the end, they redirected the tube from the top to a lower position and decided on a gastrostomy tube placement surgery which was then scheduled on January 4. After the surgery, her daughter-in-law was placed in ICU.
During this period of time, layperson Ling-Xian Chen insisted on feeding her daughter-in-law the mineral water mixed with the Dharma water. She had drunken seven or eight bottles all together. Gadu Rinpoche had chanted a sutra and beseeched blessings for her. The monastics of Hua Zang Si also have dedicated their merits to her. While she was waiting for the g-tube placement surgery, a miracle happened. On January 3, before the surgery, in an endoscope exam, they found that tissues around the tear had grown and as a result closed the opening. The doctors were stunned by this and said that a surgery was not necessary any more. After two weeks of observation, the feeding tube was then taken out. After taking another X-ray of the esophagus to ensure of no opening, she was then released. One month after, she gradually recovered. She was then able to swallow without problems. Now, she is strong enough to talk and move freely.
The entire family of layperson Ling-Xian Chen was very moved. Her daughter-in-law also truly thanked the empowerment from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. She took refuge in Buddhism and sincerely took on the Bodhi path of Buddhist practice and cultivation. This true story again proves that Buddha Dharma is magnificent and the highest. It manifests immeasurable power that is true and not false. As long as one is sincere to the Buddhas, truly repents the beginning-less negative karma as a result of ignorance, becomes determined to learn from the Buddha and do only good, and cultivate in accordance with the Dharma, one will definitely receive empowerment from the Buddhas, eradicate all afflictions and sufferings caused by karmic hindrances, and obtain peace and happiness. Amitabha!

Renqin Sangbo Rinpoche, a Buddhist disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

2017年5月29日 星期一

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 來函印證 (第十一號)










Artist:H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)
Style:Thickly Piled Patches of Color

  This is a painting in the "Thickly Piled Patches of Color" style.  The entire painting vividly expresses the inner powers and conceptions underlying the artist's techniques.  The work is simple, casual, and natural.  The sunflowers, stems, leaves, vase and table top fully reveal adeptness in the application of color patches and brushwork based on a magnanimous, unattached state of mind.  Four different techniques were used to convey the Thickly Piled Patches of Color style, all of which show the skills of the artist in depicting this picturesque scene.  Impressionism and realism are both incorporated within this work.
  A small number of color patches form a charming image of the flowers.  Smooth, vigorous, and natural strokes portray a scene of rare artistry.  The sunflowers have an extremely interesting withered quality, even an insect-infested look , which leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.

  The sunflower works of the great master of oil paintings,  Vincent van Gogh, reached the pinnacle of art in the history of Western painting.  Yet, when compared with those remarkable paintings of van Gogh, this sunflower painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛) inspires great admiration, heaving the viewer with only one impression:artistry too beautiful to be duplicated, embodying both impressionism and realism, has come to this world through the "Thickly Piled Patches of Color" style!



大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)主持超渡(2000年6月20日 星期二 眾聲日報)

大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)主持超渡(2000年6月20日 星期二 眾聲日報)


二零零八年四月三日,由全球佛教出版社和世界法音出版社出版的《多杰羌佛第三世》记实一書在美國國會圖書館舉行了莊嚴隆重的首發儀式,美國國會圖書館并正式收藏此書,自此人們才知道原來一直廣受大家尊敬的義雲高大師、仰谔益西诺布大法王,被世界佛教各大教派的领袖或摄政王、大活佛行文认证,就是宇宙始祖報身佛多杰羌佛的第三世降世,佛號為第三世多杰羌佛,從此,人们就以“南无第三世多杰羌佛”来称呼了。這就猶如释迦牟尼佛未成佛前,其名号为悉达多太子,但自释迦牟尼佛成佛以后,就改称“南无释迦牟尼佛”了,所以,我们现在称“南无第三世多杰羌佛”。尤其是,二零一二年十二月十二日,美國國會參議院第614號決議正式以His Holiness來冠名第三世多杰羌佛(即H.H.第三世多杰羌佛),从此南無第三世多杰羌佛的称位已定性。而且,第三世多杰羌佛也是政府法定的名字,以前的“義雲高”和大師、总持大法王的尊稱已經不存在了。但是,这个新闻是在南无第三世多杰羌佛佛号未公布之前刊登的,那时人们还不了解佛陀的真正身份,所以,為了尊重歷史的真實,我們在新聞中仍然保留未法定第三世多杰羌佛稱號前所用的名字,但大家要清楚,除H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的名字是合法的以外,在未法定之前的名字已经不存在了。
佛菩薩確實是不打妄語的,帕母果然實現了她的諾言,她於西元二千年六月八日,正式畫了一道甘露王如來的靈符,加持請佛降甘露,在菩提金剛院的大草地水陸池邊由仰諤益西諾布大法王H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)直接主持曼荼羅,登上法台。經過篩選,最後在很多名高僧裡面選了佛教裡的領袖人物,其中有世界佛教僧伽會主席顯宗精神領袖悟明大長老、全世界唯一漢人格西大活佛美國密宗總會主席洛桑珍珠仁波切、虛雲老法師的接法傳人意昭老和尚、國際佛教僧尼總會主席隆慧導師、以及由西藏轉世來美國的活佛波迪溫圖仁波切等諸大法師、大德若干人。
在未修甘露之前,波旬魔王前來作對,派了Yellow Jacket遮住法台左邊,很多專家都不敢來捉拿這種Yellow Jacket,都說只要兩隻Yellow Jacket就可以致人於死地,結果大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)說:「大家不要怕,一個人也不會被他們傷害的,今天要超渡他們。只要我一開始修法的時間,他們就會得到超渡了。」結果大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)一開始修法,突然虛空增加了千萬隻Yellow Jacket,都是人非人等所化現,在十分鐘之內,就把他們送往各自所要去的地方,業力最輕的到西方極樂世界,業力再輕一點的成為天人,普通業力的轉為人道或其他高一等的畜生道。
大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)所說真實不虛,這些Yellow Jacket確實在幾分鐘之內得到超渡,當大家面對這些漫天飛舞惡毒無比兇殘而欲撲降下來螫人的黃蜂,正不知該如何招架時,很快的就只剩寥寥無幾了,長老們見了個個鬆了一口大氣,齊聲讚嘆大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛),發大乘無上阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心。
這次法會徹底說明了在這個世界上確確實實有真正的佛法,而真正的佛法就是實在的佛法,並不是空洞的理論,空洞的理論那絕對是已經被算改傳誤了的佛法,已經不是真正佛教的佛法了,所以悟明長老激動地說:「我來之前看了仰諤大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)的書,完全是佛陀的證量,我當時就沐浴焚香。今天的佛降甘露就更加證明了仰諤大法王真是非常的了不起,確實是佛陀在世。」而洛桑珍珠仁波切說他為了要求到甘露,曾經在西藏長期居住,也見到過大法王們曾經修得甘露,但是就是嚐不到一口,今天終於在八十多歲如願以償,而且親自品嚐到甘露,他非常的激動。
隆慧大法師跪在地上不住的說:「了不起!佛陀上師!佛陀上師!」這時仰諤益西諾布大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)哈哈一笑說:「什麼佛陀上師,我乃慚愧行者,無非是佛陀的代表,眾生的服務人員而已,不要認為我是什麼了不起的人。」說完以後眼睛閉上了,不說一句話。

大法王(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)舉行超渡時,天人、人非人等化現為大黃蜂,蜂擁而來以求超渡。
