2019年11月27日 星期三








Address 地址: 3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Contact Number 聯繫電話: 415- 920 9816
Wesite 網站:http://www.huazangsi.org
Email 電子信箱:hzszkg@gmail.com

#第三世多杰羌佛  #多杰羌佛第三世 #三世多杰羌佛 #華藏寺 #舊金山華藏寺

2019年11月26日 星期二




阿彌陀佛   極樂教主   四八弘願   接引渡生
信願力行   莊嚴淨土   一心正念   九品超登

五方佛之一的西方阿彌陀佛,是原始古佛多杰羌佛的弟子。在過去因地修行時 發四十八弘願,成佛後感生莊嚴清淨的佛國淨土西方極樂世界,阿彌陀佛是西方極 樂世界的教主。

今恭逢阿彌陀佛聖誕,世界佛教總部 (W.B.A.H.)、華藏寺 (Hua Zang Si)、聖 格講堂(Sanger Mission)謹訂於 2019 年 12 月 日 (星期日)上午 點 30 分於舊 金山華藏寺聯合啟建阿彌陀佛聖誕法會。是日將誦經念佛,並將法會功德迴向世界 和平,民眾安樂,所有有情皆能求生淨土。歡迎十方善信,踴躍參與,增福增慧, 共證菩提。

Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly
Amitabha Buddha of the western direction is one of the five Dhyani Buddhas. He is a disciple of the primordial Dorje Chang Buddha. When He was a practitioner during past lives, He made 48 great vows. After He became a Buddha, He created a magnificent Buddhist pure land, which is called The Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Amitabha Buddha is the founder of Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.
To celebrate the holy birthday of Amitabha Buddha, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters (W.B.A.H.), Hua Zang Si and Sanger Mission will jointly hold The Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco on Sunday, December 8, 2019 at 9:30a.m.
During the Dharma assembly, we will recite sutras and chant the holy name of the Buddha. Merit will be dedicated to the attainment of world peace, happiness and harmony of all people. It is our sincere wish that all sentient beings gain rebirth in a Buddhist pure land.
All believers from the ten directions are welcome to join the Dharma assembly. This is a precious opportunity for sincere participants to increase their wisdom and fortune on the path to Bodhi.
Date 日期:12/08/2019  
Time 時間:9:30a.m.

Address 地址: 3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Contact Number 聯繫電話: 415- 920 9816
Wesite 網站:http://www.huazangsi.org
Email 電子信箱:hzszkg@gmail.com
#第三世多杰羌佛  #多杰羌佛第三世 #三世多杰羌佛 #華藏寺 #舊金山華藏寺

2020年美國舊金山華藏寺行事曆 Calendar of Hua Zang Si in San Francisco


Calendar of Hua Zang Si in San Francisco

Calendar of Hua Zang Si in San Francisco

2019年11月21日 星期四







第二個事例發生在1999年。我和其他的師兄弟陪同三世多杰羌佛到密蘇里州, 三世多杰羌佛在那裏榮獲了美國大學聯盟所頒發的佛教、藝術和宗教研究的榮譽博士學位。在頒獎儀式之後,我們所有的人一起共進晚餐。出席的有許多大學校長和教授們。有一位宗教大學的校長問道:『是否可以向大師(注:大師即是指三世多杰羌佛,下同)提問?』三世多杰羌佛回答說:「隨你們提問,我所有的答案都將會讓你們滿意的。」三世多杰羌佛輕而易舉地回答了所提的全部問題,大家對三世多杰羌佛非常欽佩。這位宗教大學的校長提問了最刁難的問題,三世多杰羌佛卻輕易地就作了回答,讓這位校長感到慚愧。當大家無話可問時,美國大學聯盟的主席對三世多杰羌佛所作的回答感到震驚,他突然在他自己的臉頰上各摑了一記耳光並且又激動又高聲地說:「這些年我白活了,今天大師的回答真正令我開了眼界。」宗教大學的校長則讚嘆三世多杰羌佛的智慧真是太高了。由此可見三世多杰羌佛的智慧是何等的圓滿!



第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 (第五十五號公告)

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 (第五十五號公告)





2019年10月11日 星期五

Significant Differences between my 17 Years of Actively Pursuing the Formality of Buddhism versus 6 Years of Listening to the Buddha Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Significant Differences between my 17 Years of Actively Pursuing the Formality of Buddhism versus 6 Years of Listening to the Buddha Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

I’m 72 years old this year and have been learning Buddhism for 23 years. On the surface, I appeared to be a ‘senior’ Buddhist disciple. As a matter of fact, I was spending those years aimlessly pursuing the formality of Buddhism and carelessly allowed time to elapse until 6 years ago when I realized what authentic Buddhism was by participating in an event of chanting sutras for the deceased.
I used to consider myself as a Buddhist practitioner who recites the holy name of Buddha. I managed to play common dharma instruments and chant the verses of praise despite the fact that I was illiterate. I became a leader of the laypeople. I did my best in making charitable contributions to Buddhist temples. I jumped on every opportunity to follow dharma teachers to participate in Buddhist affairs and help others together with a group of laypeople.  While I thought I accumulated merits from what I did, I benefitted little from my Buddhist practices.
There came a karmic affinity when I was invited to do chanting for a Buddhist brother who passed away. Buddhist brothers and sisters from various areas gathered together to do the chanting continuously day and night for the deceased. However, their chanting was quite different from mine. What was it? I wondered. Then, I witnessed an auspicious feat where relics were found after the cremation. I have helped in many chanting occasions for deceased practitioners and yet, have never seen anything like this before. After contemplating on the feat, I came to realize that the relics were manifestations of the achievements of the deceased Buddhist brother. Who was his master? I wanted to learn from him as well!
The thought stayed in my mind even after the event. I found out by asking around that the Buddhist brother listened to the prerecorded dharma discourses expounded by H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He accumulated great merits and achieved accomplishment by practicing the dharma in accordance with the teachings. I couldn’t wait to visit a center to participate in listening respectfully to the Buddha Dharma expounded by H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The Buddha expounded the Dharma comprehensively and thoroughly, which really fascinated me. I embraced myself with the teachings of the Dharma, which quenched my thirst, satisfied my hunger, and seemingly created a sea of Buddha Dharma for me to dive in. I gained great joy from listening to the dharma. Therefore, I called and invited my younger brothers and sisters to visit the center. They listened to the Dharma expounded by H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III with my assistance. My two younger sisters, two sisters-in-law, and I all passed the exam and became Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions. Together as a family, we learned Buddha Dharma and cultivated ourselves to benefit living beings.
The teachings from Namo H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III allowed me to understand the relation between the cause and the effect and how if there was a cause, there would be always its effect. In the past, I didn’t understand the true meaning of the Dharma and thought self-cultivationmeant chanting sutras. Cultivating oneself means that practitioners take the Buddha as their role model and mind their physical, verbal and mental karma by following those of the Buddha’s to modify their own words and actions and to correct their habitual behaviors. I benefitted a lot from listening to the Buddha Dharma. I not only practiced it but also promoted it. With the collaboration among a lot of people over the years, more than twenty Buddhist centers of various sizes were established. There were more than twenty group cultivation sessions held each month. I was grateful for the empowerment from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, which caused the positive karmic affinities of the living beings to come together so the Bodhi seeds were planted and waited to blossom one day.
Life is impermanent and time awaits no one. I respectfully listen to the Buddha Dharma every day. I oblige myself in leading everyone to the Buddha Dharma listening sessions and to learn from precious books such as the ‘The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation” and ‘Learning from the Buddha” regardless of inclement weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow. It requires determination and persistence on the path of self-cultivation. There were times that some Buddhist brothers and sisters dissipated, regressed, or strayed away from following the Dharma. I would bring it to their attention and advise them on that. Together with other Buddhist brothers and sisters, we did our best in chanting sutras for the deceased whenever we got the chance to participate. We donated the proceeds from those events to releasing living beings.
I also advocated at home the practices of no-kill and releasing living beings.
There was a time that a friend bought us a box of crabs. My husband was happy and ready to indulge himself in having a meal of those crabs.  I asked him nicely to release them back to the wild when I sensed that they were about to suffer but he refused. Every living being was my family. How could I not do anything when they were about to be cooked?
My husband asked me to make dinner around dinner time. I laid in bed crying with my limbs moving randomly in the air. My husband was in shock and asked me what happened. I rolled myself around in bed even more and told him that countless crabs were asking me to save them and how they pinched me when I didn’t agree to it, which hurt very bad. I asked him to release those crabs to save me for the sake of me being his wife. He agreed reluctantly to release them after he saw how much I suffered. My “sufferings’ were instantly alleviated. It was my way of improvising a rescue plan for those crabs. It was also a result of listening respectfully to the Buddha Dharma that I started to have benevolence and compassion, refraining myself from killing lives and protecting them.
Time flies. The result over the past six years of learning Buddha Dharma and cultivating myself has surpassed that of the past sixty years of dream-like lifestyle. In comparison with the haze of confusion in the past, the goal of my cultivation has great clarity, which is to benefit living beings and end the cycle of birth and death. I’m thankful for the opportunity of learning orthodox Buddha Dharma. I’m determined to diligently cultivate myself to achieve liberation to benefit myself and others. It would be very foolish of me not to take advantage of this great opportunity to learn the Buddha Dharma and cultivate myself, wouldn’t it?


#HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddha  #MasterWanKoYee #MasterYiYunGao #Cultivation

2019年10月9日 星期三

第三世多杰羌佛聖量 佛陀同意我留下來





  那時,虛空都是綠色和紅顏色的光,我與光匯在一起, 我心想,是的!圓滿!這是圓滿了!念佛吧!我結上手印,稱念南無阿彌陀佛,祈求阿彌陀佛來接我。








第三世多杰羌佛聖量 佛陀同意我留下來

第三世多杰羌佛正法, 第三世多杰羌佛法音, 第三世多杰羌佛返老回春, 第三世多杰羌佛辦公室, 第三世多杰羌佛獲世界和平獎, 第三世多杰羌佛藝術

第三世多杰羌佛聖量 淹死的蜜蜂長起翅膀飛走了

一個下午我經過了泳池邊,發現了一只淹死的蜜蜂,打撈起來放在地板上,它身體已僵硬死掉了,佛陀上師(三世多杰羌佛)走過來慈悲地持誦幾句咒語,加持它,大概兩分鐘蜜蜂竟然從腳開始動起來,但是卻發現大概蜜蜂是被別的動物咬斷了一只翅膀而掉進泳池淹死的,只留下了一只翅膀,當時廣慧師姐聽到了也趕過來看。三世多杰羌佛自言自語地說:“唉!既然活過來了,少了一只翅膀,那就太可憐了!怎麽辦呢?太慘!太慘!再長一翅膀就好了!”佛陀上師法語剛落下,突然看到,天啊!蜜蜂的另一只翅膀長出來了!我與廣慧師姐簡直是驚呆了,當時看著蜜蜂展動了幾下翅膀,用嘴巴清理足和翩動雙翅,大概半分鐘,就像直升機一般飛走 了,我們感動得就地向佛陀上師頂禮,佛陀上師卻說:“這與我無關,我哪裏有這功德,是你們的成就,是你們,是你們!”這是我們再一次親眼見到真正佛陀的證 量威德展現。

                                                                               佛弟子 釋定慧  

                                                                               佛弟子 釋廣慧             



第三世多杰羌佛正法, 第三世多杰羌佛法音, 第三世多杰羌佛返老回春, 第三世多杰羌佛辦公室, 第三世多杰羌佛獲世界和平獎, 第三世多杰羌佛藝術,