2019年4月29日 星期一

An Inconceivable True Example of Causality–The Pangolin Person

Editor’s Note:
On April 7, 1982, Writer Bo Yang was invited by the Malaysian Chinese Association to give a speech in Kuala Lumpur. After that, Mr. Zhou Baoyuan and Mr. Wu Zhongda, the president and editor-in-chief of the local newspaper “New Life Daily” told him this true story and the misfortune suffered by the story’s main character Ms. Zhang Simei. After returning to Taiwan, Mr. Bo Yang wrote a featured report entitled “ The Pangolin Person,” which was published in two parts on the July 12 and 13 editions of “China Times” of the same year.
The original article is rather long. The following is a shortened version based on the key descriptions.
An Inconceivable True Example of Causality
The Pangolin Person
One day in 1948, at Tampin Village in Negeri Sembilan State of Malaysia, a peasant in poverty, Mr. Zhang Qiutan was farming his small orchard. He spotted a pangolin. The pangolin ran into a small cave when he was trying to catch it. His three boys also came. They shouted and yelled, but had no way to get it out. Then, his wife Peng Xian who was 39 years old and was 4 months pregnant at that time also joined the hunting. They burned firewood at the entrance of the cave, hoping the smoke would drive it out. However, after being busy for a long time, they never saw the pangolin again. The whole family returned home very much disappointed.
Five months later, Ms. Peng Xian gave birth to a frightening baby girl looking like a pangolin, who is the main character I am going to describe. The mother was awakened by the terrifying yelling of the midwife. She immediately fainted on her bed upon her first look at the baby. After waking up, she held the baby while her rain-like tears were washing over the baby’s scales covering the whole body. She realized that she had not given birth to a baby girl, but rather a monster.
The monster’s arrival greatly disturbed the people living in the mountain area. The ugly pangolin-like appearance caught the attention of the whole village. All immediately fell into the siege of fear. They thought that she would bring disaster to the entire village. They acted insanely and asked the Zhang’s family to hand over the monster. Mr. Zhang Qiutan and his wife, of course, knew the consequence of giving the baby to them. Thus, they falsely claimed to people that the baby had died and hid her in a very small room at home. (She was given the name of Zhang Simei by her parents.) The baby lived a life of being confined in a dark corner without daylight since her birth. Her parents were always in tears but were unable to do anything. They had no way or money to treat the strange illness she had.
When Ms. Zhang Simei was ten years old, her father left the world. According to his wife, he died in great suffering. Looking at his daughter who was crouching before the bed like a rolled-up pangolin and with dense sputum filling up his throat, he yelled, “Child, will you die with me together? I cannot die without concerns by leaving you behind in the world.”
Although the secure hiding kept the villagers from inquiring further, people still had suspicions.
During this period, there was a circus performing group coming over to offer a very high price of more than 150 ounces of gold to buy the child. The mother resolutely declined, telling them that the monster had really died.
That was how Ms. Zhang Simei led such a secluded life for more than 30 years. Eventually, she was accidentally discovered by people in March 1982. What happened more than 30 years ago came back to the world like a nightmare. Fortunately, due to the improved mental intelligence and the elevation of people’s knowledge and education, she was permitted to live in an environment filled with sympathy. That was exactly the reason why Mr. Zhou Baoyuan, the president of “New Life Daily,” insisted on having me to stay one more day to have a look at this pitiful dragon lady who shares a common lineage with us.
I am unable to describe Ms. Zhang Simei’s appearance. If I have to, I will agree to the appellation used by the residents of Tampin Village in Negeri Sembilan State, the “Pangolin Person.” Her head is completely bald without any hair. Her eyes face upward by an angle of 50 degrees. Her nose caves down and her lips were protruding. Her teeth are in disarray like tablets standing in a graveyard and her front tooth looks like an elephant tusk, penetrating through her protruding lip. Her entire body was covered by scales, rendering a shivering feeling to people. It was even more horrible to see that her eyes had no eye lids and were like that of a fish. The two eye balls appeared staring, surrounded by two rims that were like red-hot iron.
The “New Life Daily” newspaper once invited an expert of dermatology to provide a diagnosis on her. The conclusion was no medicine could cure her.
This occurrence gives people a shocking awakening. The retribution of crucifying and harming living beings is very horrible. I advise everyone to take this understanding as a precept, protect and love living beings, and actively do good deeds to accumulate merit. Only then can one have good health, happiness, joy, and auspiciousness!
The above content is only the understanding and views of the writer as a result of learning Buddhism. We should, however, rely on the Dharma expounded by the Buddha as the standard.
May all living beings in the world believe in Causality.
Practice compassion and commit to no killing
May they experience health, peace, and happiness!

#Causality #Pangolin #Buddhism

2019年4月25日 星期四

以色列國家郵政總局發行 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的郵票 Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

以色列國家郵政總局發行 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的郵票

 Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

以色列國家郵政總局發行 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的郵票

南無第三世多杰羌佛是由世界佛教各大宗派的領袖、法王和大仁波且們共同認證、 附議的佛陀,佛陀屬於最高的佛教領袖。南無第三世多杰羌佛無私貢獻利益一切眾生, 從不接受任何供養,這在世界上是找不到的。
以色列國家郵政總局正式發行了 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的郵票。以色列是世界的強 國之一,與美國、中國等很多國家都很友好,以色列國家郵政總局發行的 H.H.第三世 多杰羌佛的郵票,不僅可以郵寄使用,作為佛陀郵票,更是珍貴的紀念品。歡迎大家踴 躍登記請購!

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the Buddha and the highest leader of Buddhism, recognized and corroborated by the leaders, dharma kings, and great rinpoches of all the major Buddhist sects of the world. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III contributes Himself altruistically to benefit all living beings. He has never accepted any offerings which cannot be found in the world.
Israel Post now formally publishes stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Israel is a strong country of the world, having great friendships with many other countries including the United States and China. The stamps of H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III published by Israel Post not only can be used for posting mail, but as stamps of the Buddha, are also very precious commemorative items. Everyone is welcome to register for purchasing them!
以色列國家郵政總局發行 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的郵票 Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
以色列國家郵政總局發行 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的郵票 Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III-中文
以色列國家郵政總局發行 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的郵票 Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III-英文

Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

 Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the Buddha and the highest leader of Buddhism, recognized and corroborated by the leaders, dharma kings, and great rinpoches of all the major Buddhist sects of the world. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III contributes Himself altruistically to benefit all living beings. He has never accepted any offerings which cannot be found in the world.

Israel Post now formally publishes stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Israel is a strong country of the world, having great friendships with many other countries including the United States and China. The stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III published by Israel Post not only can be used for posting mail, but as stamps of the Buddha, are also very precious commemorative items. Everyone is welcome to register for purchasing them!
 Israel Post Publishes Stamps of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

2019年4月23日 星期二




二零零八年四月三日,由全球佛教出版社和世界法音出版社出版的《多杰羌佛第三世》宝书在美国国会图书馆举行了庄严隆重的首发仪式,美国国会图书馆并正式收藏此书,自此人们才知道原来一直广受大家尊敬的义云高(H.H.第三世多杰羌佛大师就是宇宙始祖报身佛多杰羌佛的第三世降世,佛号为第三世多杰羌佛,从此,人们就以“南无第三世多杰羌佛”来称呼了。这就犹如释迦牟尼佛未成佛前,其名号为悉达多太子,但自释迦牟尼佛成佛以后,就改称“南无释迦牟尼佛”了,所以,我们现在称“南无第三世多杰羌佛”。尤其是,二零一二年十二月十二日,美国国会参议院第614号决议正式以His Holiness来冠名第三世多杰羌佛(即H.H.第三世多杰羌佛),这说明了美国国会对南无第三世多杰羌佛的尊敬。而且,第三世多杰羌佛也是政府法定的名字,以前的“义云高(H.H.第三世多杰羌佛和大师的尊称已经不存在了。但是,这个新闻是在南无第三世多杰羌佛号未公布之前刊登的,那时人们还不了解佛陀的真正身份,所以,为了尊重历史的真实,我们在新闻中仍然保留未法定第三世多杰羌佛称号前所用的名字。
劉惠秀居士肉身坐化安詳圓寂 (2003年08月13日)
佛教城市 佛教新闻

刘惠秀居士肉身坐化安详圆寂  (2003年08月13日)






#义云高 #义云高大师  #第三世多杰羌佛正法 #第三世多杰羌佛返老回春 #第三世多杰羌佛获世界和平奖 #第三世多杰羌佛法音 #第三世多杰羌佛

2019年4月22日 星期一

宗教奇蹟 修淨土見彌陀 侯欲善罹肺癌無痛安祥圓寂

宗教奇蹟 修淨土見彌陀 侯欲善罹肺癌無痛安祥圓寂


關於“第三世多杰羌佛”佛號的說明 二零零八年四月三日,由全球佛教出版社和世界法音出版社出版的《多杰羌佛第三世》記實一書在美國國會圖書館舉行了莊嚴隆重的首發儀式,美國國會圖書館並正式收藏此書,自此人們才知道原來一直廣受大家尊敬的義雲高大師、仰諤益西諾布大法王,被世界佛教各大教派的領袖或攝政王、大活佛行文認證,就是宇宙始祖報身佛多杰羌佛的第三世降世,佛號為第三世多杰羌佛,從此,人們就以“南無第三世多杰羌佛”來稱呼了。這就猶如釋迦牟尼佛未成佛前,其名號為悉達多太子,但自釋迦牟尼佛成佛以後,就改稱“南無釋迦牟尼佛”了,所以,我們現在稱“南無第三世多杰羌佛”。尤其是,二零一二年十二月十二日,美國國會參議院第614號決議正式以His Holiness來冠名第三世多杰羌佛(即 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛),從此南無第三世多杰羌佛的稱位已定性。而且,第三世多杰羌佛也是政府法定的名字,以前的“義雲高”和大師、總持大法王的尊稱已經不存在了。但是,這個新聞是在南無第三世多杰羌佛佛號未公佈之前刊登的,那時人們還不瞭解佛陀的真正身份,所以,為了尊重歷史的真實,我們在新聞中仍然保留未法定第三世多杰羌佛稱號前所用的名字,但大家要清楚,除H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的名字是合法的以外,在未法定之前的名字已經不存在了。


東森新聞報 2003/06/05  18:55

宗教奇蹟 修淨土見彌陀 侯欲善罹肺癌無痛安祥圓寂


#義雲高 #義雲高大師 #第三世多杰羌佛藝術 #第三世多杰羌佛正法 #第三世多杰羌佛返老回春 #第三世多杰羌佛獲世界和平獎 #第三世多杰羌佛法音 #第三世多杰羌佛

2019年4月19日 星期五

Homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III—At the moment When I Was on my Kneels toward My Mother 

Homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III— At the moment When I Was on my Kneels toward My Mother

Today, I kneeled down to my mother after I was back home. I have many words that I am not able to speak out.

Since I began to learn Buddha-dharma, I have been thinking about kneeling down to my mother to express my gratitude to her for giving birth to and raising me. I also want to repent to her what I did wrong during these years. But I did not have the courage to do so. Actually, the real reason was that I did not truly recognize my mistakes.

To tell the truth, I had a lot of dissatisfaction toward my mother.

Since I got married, my mother pushed my younger brother to me as my responsibility. The brother was not admitted by a university after graduating from high school. He was sent to me and I had to make arrangement for him to study in a hospital. It was good that the brother lived up to our expectation and passed the examination for adult-education to be admitted to the medical school of Suzhou University. He attended the school full-time for five years. I paid for all his living expenses during this period. After graduation, he did not look for a job and chose to take the examination for graduate study instead. During the first year, he was not admitted due to his English score. Mother began to complain that I did not help my brother to find a job. Although I did not say much verbally, I felt mistreated.

Next year, my brother passed the examination to be admitted to the graduate school of Xuzhou Medical University and then spent three years in the graduate study. That basically costed everything our family had. Mother was always complaining that the brother spent a lot of money and thought about that he should get married at his age. She was always hoping him to get married and have a child. I was rather angry at the time and had a verbal argument with my mother. I could not understand why my mother was so selfish and only saw the near-term benefits. She did not see the value of the opportunity of learning that we obtained after a lot of hard work and effect. I felt mistreated.

Being urged by my mother all the time, my brother got married during the third year of his graduate study before graduation. He did not have a job and I had to pay for his expenses. My mother was again complaining about our family’s financial situation. After graduation, my brother was working at the tumor department of No. 3 Hospital of Xuzhou City. Since he could not afford to rent, he lived at my home. I felt that I had given so much without getting any kind words from my mother. I felt mistreated.

Later, within the first six months after my brother started working, he suffered a sudden brain hemorrhage while on the job. He was hospitalized for 35 days. I had to run between home and the hospital every day. My mother could not provide any help and was only sad. I had to console my mother after returning from the hospital every day. Actually, my heart was tormented every day. For anything that I did not do to her full satisfaction, my mother would give rise to anxiety. I felt mistreated.

Last year, my father got ill and was diagnosed to have a terminal-stage stomach cancer. When I saw my weak father on the sick bed, I regretted that I did not go to my parents’ home often enough to see them and give them enough care. I was also a little bitter to my mother for not taking good care of my father. After leaving the hospital, I took my father to my home to care for him. My mother was still complaining all day long, saying that my father did not listen to her and worked all the time. My father kept silent and did not say anything. Seeing the situation, I felt bad.

My father was a very kind person. He was not good at talking and received a lot of sufferings and mistreatment in his life. He supported me and my brother while we attended colleges. After my father left, I regretted very much that I did not fulfill my filial duty well. I always thought that my parents would have a long time to live and I could do that when I have time and my situation improves. Only after I began to learn the true dharma of the Tathagata and listen to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, did I know that impermanence is with us all the time and there is no time for me to wait.

At the moment of kneeling down before my mother, I realized that my parents’ kindness of giving birth to me and raising me is as great as the sky. Had not my parents bring me to this world, how could I have the opportunity to learn Buddha-dharma and cultivate myself earnestly? I now understand that everything is due to causality. I have no reason to feel being mistreated. While my parents are still in the world, I should introduce and guide them to learn Buddha-dharma and understand the truth of karmic retribution, so that they can accumulate good karma and stay far away from malicious karma.

My mother is currently not in good health. She still has dissatisfaction toward me every day. She says that the food I cook is not very tasteful, I restrict her, I want her to take nutritional supplements every day, and I remind her every day to chant the Buddha’s name. Had this occurred in the past, I would certainly feel being mistreated. However, now I feel this is a way of my mother communicating with me. I do not feel mistreatment and have no bitterness in mind.

I am grateful that my mother gave me an opportunity to fulfill my filial duty and repent myself. I tell myself, “Let go of all feeling of mistreatment and dissatisfaction. Do not be attached to some small matters. Do not let the mind turn after external states. Cultivate earnestly.”

Hao Congmei
August 6, 2018

#HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddha