2017年10月30日 星期一

What Should We Do about the Matter of Death?

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!

Layperson Hou Yushan, a university professor in physics, ascended to the World of Ultimate Bliss (Webpage in Chinese)

Layperson Lin Liu Huixiu in Seattle ascended to the World of Ultimate Bliss in a sitting pose (Webpage in Chinese)

While they were alive, the dharma brother and dharma sister worked diligently on their own duties to take care of their family and do volunteer work. Later, they became seriously ill. At such critical moment, they encountered extremely magnificent affinities with the dharma. They respectfully and faithfully listened to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and had the opportunity to pay respect to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in person. With boundless compassion, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III transmitted the dharma to them. Through diligently practicing the dharma, they ascended to the World of Ultimate Bliss. Living beings should all think and seriously ask themselves a question. Who can be guaranteed to ascend to the World of Ultimate Bliss??

After attending the funeral/farewell ceremony for Layperson Hou Yushan, I recalled the time I was having dinner with Layperson Lin Liu Huixiu while she was already terminally ill. The memory of her reminding me to start eating was as fresh and vivid as yesterday. The karmic condition that caused me to learn the Buddha-dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III also resurfaced in my mind…

At the age of over 80, my grandpa was stricken in bed with pneumonia. In the early morning on that day, he was unable to breath on his own and a tube had to be inserted to feed oxygen in. The suffering caused him to be tied up on the bed yowling for several hours. Eventually, the misery ended at four o’clock in the afternoon. Despite having a strong will to live, he was nevertheless overpowered by the devil of illness and left the world unwillingly. The tragic scene before his death still appears before my eyes…In the morning of that day, grandpa could still talk and move normally. Using hand gestures to help explain, he repeatedly mentioned the time of 4 o’clock in the afternoon to me and my mother. Perhaps he already knew that the Yama King would soon come to take him…
Grandpa’s passing away greatly affected my view toward life. He was at the hospital at the time. I watched with my own eyes him stepping into the impermanence of death. I was unable to help him in any way. His death was like a horrible dream to me. I suddenly woke up to the fact that a person will die… Even the doctor can’t do anything. Where does one go after death? What can we do about that? What can we do about that?

I had never heard about H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III before then. My karmic forces were very heavy. I would doze off when listening to chanting sutras. I was only fond of pursuing worldly good fortune. To quest for the answer of what to do about death, I began to listen to the dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. At the very beginning of listening to the recorded dharma discourses, to tell the truth, I could not get most of what I heard due to my inability to understand the accent. However, any small paragraph that I could understand made me feel like getting precious treasures, even though I did not have any background in Buddhism. Through this process of entering deeply to achieve a simple and explicit understanding, I heard the truth about the universe and human life. The words of “formation, abiding, decaying, and vanishing” sounded extremely precise and accurate. What is impermanence? Why do we have to end birth and death! The dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is so great and magnificent!

After respectfully listening to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, I have understood what impermanence is about. I am no longer worried or in fear. I also have adjusted the emphasis of my life and do not solely go after worldly enjoyment.
A person will die… Even the doctor can’t do anything. Where does one go after death? What can we do about that? What can we do about that? Actually these questions have been explained very clearly in the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and are very minor problems……

Do you have questions about ascending to the World of Ultimate Bliss?
Do you have questions about Arhat, Bodhisattva, and Buddha?
If you can respectfully and seriously listen to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, you will have all the answers.
The accomplishment one attains depends on one’s own cultivation, conduct, and level of practice.
I am boundlessly grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I beseech and wish living beings have the opportunity to hear the dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and all attain perfect good fortune and wisdom, great accomplishment, and great liberation!

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!

Written by: Hua Jing


真正合法認證的第三世多杰羌佛/ H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III

  2011年6 月14日第三世多杰羌佛獲頒世界和平獎最高榮譽獎的第一名,6月24日世界和平獎評審委員會發布一份聲明。聲明中提到第三世多杰羌佛獲得元首級的世界和平獎最高榮譽獎的理由。這個獎項過去都是頒給國家元首的,榮譽登峰崇高。我們將根據頒獎當天的世界和平獎大會官方手冊圖檔一併刊發供參閱。原文是這樣說的:
  國際刑警組織是在2005年 9月應會員國的申請對第三世多杰羌佛立案,經過三年十分嚴肅細緻清澈的調查,2008年10月由光明公正的國際刑警組織大會審定,決議撤銷立案和通緝令。第三世多杰羌佛就像黃金被放進國際刑警組織的熔爐中,淬煉三年出來不但是純淨的,而更加光芒,得到世界和平獎。這是壞人?還是好人?是聖潔的佛陀!那些善根膚淺,以外表發生的事來定論聖者凡夫,自迷入愚,正是佛教所說的「愚痴」根性的眾生,現在應該省悟了。其實,佛陀就是佛陀,國際刑警的通緝撤不撤除,並不能作為證明佛陀之為佛陀的本質。他日清白,今日污陷,明日光輝,難道因為被污陷,就失去佛陀的本質了嗎?光輝了就是聖人嗎?當然不會。佛陀對於污謗祂的眾生,祂沒有絲毫嗔恨之心,而是觀一切冤家嗔懟為親人父母,利益他們,祈願他們遠離諸苦,得到幸福。佛陀的行為已告訴了我們,面對眾生對祂的矇謗奪害,祂根本就沒有看到,佛陀想到的都是施給眾生利益,所有功德皆給眾生,為眾生擔罪業,陷害了祂,向祂身上潑髒水的罪業眾生,祂毫不嗔怨,祂想到不是自身受謗害應該要的清白,而是誹謗者的罪業,需要有人擔負,祂不為誹謗者承擔,誰為之承擔? 關鍵在於佛陀對榮辱毫無牽掛,不沾塵氣,德品之崇高,豈是文字語言所能表達的?我們自審十分慚愧,雖然在學佛,但無法做到佛陀的行為品德所達到之聖境,這豈止是僧眾們望塵莫及的百分之一,難怪原始古佛第三世多杰羌佛是菩薩諸天聖者學習的楷模。
  第二、所有活佛身份的成立都是依藏密活佛認證轉世制度而成立,第三世多杰羌佛身份的確立是依藏密活佛認證制度認證確立的,也是佛史上得到最多藏密各大教派的法王攝政王認證附議最多的巨聖,其他任何活佛都沒有得到過這麼多認證,如果第三世多杰羌佛都被說成是假的,那達賴喇嘛、噶瑪巴、全西藏、全印度、全世界就沒有一個真活佛了!因為他們沒有一個人獲得了第三世多杰羌佛的三分之一的認證附議。而這些聖德的五明成就相比之下更差之遙遠,不到第三世多杰羌佛三十大類成就的三分之一。得到各教派權威認證最多的,如果是假活佛,那麼得到認證少的還會是真的活佛嗎?活佛們的上師,如果真的寫假文證騙人,是騙子就不是聖人了,假聖傳不了真法,那麼活佛們學的也就是騙子的假法了囉?那麼公保都穆曲吉法王傳噶瑪巴的本尊法,不都成了假法嗎?公保法王會寫假文騙人嗎?夏瑪、嘉察、楚西、達龍哲珠等王也在寫假文騙人嗎?如果他們給第三世多杰羌佛寫假文證,那他們為其他活佛寫的文證也全部都是假的囉?所以說把第三世多杰羌佛都說成是假的,那全地球的活佛豈不都是假的了?可惜啊!他們是真聖者,是噶瑪巴、達賴喇嘛的上師,可想而知他們都是假的,那他們的弟子何如?正如阿秋法王、貝諾法王、吉美多吉法王、達欽法王他們認證過很多活佛,總不會都是不負責任亂寫認證吧! 否則那些被認證的活佛不都成了假活佛?!




2017年10月29日 星期日

2017年10月15日 華藏寺為加州北灣山區火災祈福法會/10月21日至22日 華藏寺護法功德會為災民製送溫馨晚餐

2017年10月15日 華藏寺加州北灣山區火災祈福法會


10月21日至22日 華藏寺護法功德會災民製送溫馨晚餐

"對一切眾生視如親人丶父母!"26名義工不忘南無第三世多杰羌佛教導,自駕十輛車滿載疏果食材,瓦斯爐頭,大鍋等於上週六(10/21/2017)一早7:30奔赴災區Santa Rosa送溫暖。義工有大學生丶髙中生利用週末假日趕來,他們或母子,或夫妻甚至全家都來了。居住在火災西北部Windsor的S師兄騰出家里寬敞的后院作愛心廚房,兩間臥房供大家休息。大家同有一顆慈愛之心,從制訂兩餐菜單和口味、採購點丶廚具,到預算受餐人數丶供餐時段等,每一鍋面丶每一道菜丶每一個微笑,都盛裝溫暖和愛。社區教堂Spring Hills Community Church提供出用餐場地。




誰能知道美食背後的愛心厨房裏的故事。 連續兩天,義工們站在朝露裏,穿著防寒服保暖衣開始擇菜丶洗切菜,開火起煱蒸煮烹炸。中午開始又驕陽似火,大家穿著T恤丶薄衫還是揮汗如雨,特別是守著熱鍋炸春捲、炒菜炒麵飯的師姐師兄們。但是沒有一個人退縮,全體上陣一直忙到晚上五點多,全部成品飯菜裝上車拉往教堂。

從舊金山運來三口大鍋丶四張長桌、成品箱和各種用具,獨無坐凳,他們說騰空間多裝食品和工具。當師兄們去點貨公司訂貨時,還發生了感人的一幕,當Fresh Green Inc 華人老闆一聽說這批菜將用於救災,二話沒說,當時就把幾十箱新鮮菜品捐助出來。





美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi

2017年10月28日 星期六




    直到我去參加台中法會後,奇蹟出現了。進入會場時,因為人很多,週遭也很吵,我一直無法進入狀況。後來,我一直想著H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛的法像,一段時間後,莫名的我看到了觀世音普薩,再來又見到了兩位仙女在上空俯視著我,這時,我從腳底麻到心臟處,一時感到很舒服,一時又感到心痛想吐。這樣反覆忍了好多次,因為會場非常的莊嚴,深怕自己一個不慎,壞了會場的肅穆。不過,這次我忍不住了,只有趕緊跑到會場外面的廁所吐。這時,吐出來的全是水和一些氣,好像把我整個人體裡面的髒東西全部清除一樣。吐完以後,整個人感到很虛弱。但很神奇的,自參加法會完後的第二天清晨至今,困擾我的心痛問題消失的無影無蹤,再沒有心痛的情況發生了。每天都睡到自然醒。我真心感恩佛陀師父的加持,更親身應驗了佛法無邊。




     聞法後。我知道這些都是因果關係。我正在慢慢的學習佛菩薩的言語、思想、行為,修正自己的言行舉止,很多較不圓滿的人際關係改善不少,上班氛圍也好多了。聞法對我來說,改變的事實在太多了,讓我現在生活一切順利,好事連連來。至心感恩 南無 第三世多杰羌佛的慈悲。

佛弟子 李宇寰頂禮


正宗聖法.聖法正宗粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/HolyDharmaTw

My Journey of Zen Meditation

My Journey of Zen Meditation

A few years ago, I went to a renown Zen Dojo to practice as a lay Buddhist and began my journey of Zen Meditation. Besides the daily onerous farming chores, at times, I took part in meditation which turned out to be a sleepy session. Other times, I listened to the CD of an old monk. I thought that was all about Zen meditation and I was disappointed. Subsequently, I noticed a few Buddhist nuns acting oddly. I was then told that it was due to various problems occurred during meditation. These nuns remained mentally deranged as they did not have any correct guidance and cure to help them. I was horrified whenever I thought of these side effects of meditation. I was worried that I would become one of these nuns considering the way I practiced my meditation which was full of sleepiness and did not know really what was going on. Seeing these nuns every day while I practiced my meditation, I felt immense pressure – what had gone wrong for these nuns? How could Zen meditation lead them to this state of life? I was completely puzzled…
I remember well, once, during a seven-day retreat, the lead master of the session was grumbling that when the old master at the temple became critically ill, he should not have been rushed to the hospital for emergency rescue, instead he should have stayed and chanted the Buddha’s name beseeching to gain rebirth in the Western Paradise. The lead master questioned why to let him linger on his last breath? Wasn’t it painful? Many people who were present at that time agreed with the lead master that the death of the old master was not to be regretted and he should not have been sent for emergency rescue. I was stunned and found it hard to accept. There was something wrong in that statement. Although I am a lay Buddhist, I raise this question to myself that when one is in a deep state of coma, totally unconscious, can one still gain rebirth in the Pure Land? Can one still do just like what The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra says, to chant 10 times Amitabha wholeheartedly? It is impossible! Logically, it is not feasible.
Later on, I learned that there was a monk who made a wish to perform a three-year retreat Zen meditation and vowed that if he did not realize his true nature after the retreat, he will return to secular household life. Three years flew quickly and the result was… truly heartbreaking.
After being bashed down by these series of events, as a lay Buddhist, I lost my enthusiasm. I felt like I had entered a dead end. I felt lost. I did not know where I was supposed to go.  I asked myself what the meaning of becoming a nun was when one does not have a meaningful purpose in mind. Unwillingly, I was about to give up and return home. At this crucial moment, I came to listen to the dharma discourses of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. It was like a beam of strong light striking through the dark. All my disappointment disappeared into thin air. At that moment I was determined to renounce myself, and without much longer my wish was fulfilled.
These are just my worldly personal experiences, perhaps I have not even embarked on the Zen meditation journey, but my experiences did reflect some problems faced by some Buddhists during their meditation practice, cultivation, or Buddhist learning. I was fortunate to read The Concentration and Visualization – Essential to Attaining the Pathwritten by Pamu and The Great Dharma Of Zen which was posted over the internet and was transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. I have finally received a complete teaching which helps me to realize what Zen meditation actually is. Moreover, for example, by reading page 216 of Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, I realized the problems of those mentally deranged nuns. It was caused by their attachments to the illusions emerged from the Manas consciousness which made them believe that the illusions were true. They did not understand that “Everything with form is illusory and false.” and eventually they entered a diabolic state of mind. The grumbles from the lead master during the seven-day retreat did not make sense at all. As stated in the article,  The Buddhist Disciple Yu-Sheng Zhao Received a Dharma Transmission Which is True and Not False. If one can perform the dharma as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III did so that the Yidam, Amitabha Buddha will appear on site and fetch the deceased to the Western Paradise of the Ultimate Bliss, of course, then, the emergency rescue will be unnecessary. However, did the lead master have the required level of power?  In addition, the pitiful monastic who had returned to household life did not know that there is the ultimately holiest Buddha Dharma which can open one’s crown in two hours. The opening is as wide and deep as an egg. The consciousness is free to enter and exit the body. One also can practice outside of the body in complete freedom. Realising one’s true nature is in a near future.
On recollection, what a pitiful group of nuns  I had met. They longed for true dharma and liberation, but because they didn’t come to know the true dharma, because of incorrect guidance and teachings they had received, because of their own attachments, and many other reasons, they cannot attain accomplishment and reach liberation. These kinds of tragedies are still happening, which is heartbreaking. The best dharma is from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, but many living beings are not able to hear it. We have seen some fortunate ones who had the opportunity to come across the true dharma but because of their karmic hindrances and various pressures, they are not able to listen to the true dharma. Therefore, they lost their opportunities to reach liberation from the cycle of birth and death. For this,  I can only deeply sigh as I strongly feel that the correct dharma of the Tathagata is truly rare and difficult to encounter even in hundreds and thousands of millions of kalpas. I am glad that I have the fortune to respectfully listen to and learn the dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

A humble disciple--WanEr LingXi
August 2017

My Journey of Zen Meditation

美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi

2017年10月24日 星期二



 After World Buddhism Publishing and World Dharma Voice Inc. jointly published the book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and after various media announced the news that leaders, dharma kings, and rinpoches worldwide from each of the major Buddhist sects have recognized the identity of and have congratulated H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, people who understand the true situation happily said, “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has formally come to our world. The karmic conditions of living beings relating to good fortune and wisdom have finally matured such that they can now personally receive the teachings of a Buddha.” However, people who do not understand the situation and some demonic people have taken this opportunity to make trouble. They have falsely claimed to be the disciples of certain masters of great holiness and virtue. They have stated on the internet that those masters of great holiness and virtue did not recognize the identity of or congratulate H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Additionally, they have groundlessly criticized our two publishing companies.

 Many good Buddhist disciples do not know what to do in the face of this confusion caused by this extremely small number of people. Those many good Buddhists have no way of distinguishing between what is true and what is false. They have also used a variety of different methods to inquire of us about this matter. We asked the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to answer these questions, but that office strictly adheres to the admonishments of the Buddhas to be unmoved by any circumstances and to abstain from sullying oneself through quarreling. Our publishing companies understand that the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was right when it said that this is a dispute caused by those who have the mindset of an ordinary person. However, for the sake of the good fortune and wisdom of living beings, we have decided to make an exception and give our open response this one time. This will be the only time we do so. From this time on, we will not answer one after another of this type of question. The reason is that all of this is not part of true cultivation that one engages in on the path to enlightenment. Rather, all of this has resulted from the conduct of those who have extremely strong attachment to self. Such conduct will lead to their descent into one of the three lower realms of existence and is the source of bad karma.

FIRST, the recognitions of identity and the congratulations issued by dharma kings and rinpoches to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III were solemnly made based upon the realization and karmic affinity of each of those dharma kings and rinpoches and based upon the rules of Tibetan Buddhism for recognizing the incarnation of a rinpoche. All of the dharma kings and rinpoches listed in the treasure book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III issued their letters of recognition or supporting congratulatory letters in accordance with the dharma. Moreover, they stamped those documents with a seal required by the dharma or with their own fingerprint. There is something that must first be understood. Could it possibly be that those dharma kings and rinpoches do not clearly believe in the law of cause and effect? Could it possibly be that they would ignore the facts and write recklessly? Those dharma kings and rinpoches, based upon their enlightenment, act with utmost solemnity, act according to the teachings and the dharma, and act responsibly toward living beings. Those recognitions and congratulations are extremely holy and solemn!

 It should be specially noted that out of caution those dharma kings and rinpoches of holy virtue had a photograph taken of them actually writing their recognition or congratulatory letter. We had planned to publish in the treasure book the photographs of those dharma kings and rinpoches writing and stamping their seal or fingerprint upon their recognition or congratulatory letter. However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III did not agree with our plan to openly publish such photographs. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIsaid, “We must respect those dharma kings and rinpoches. To openly publish those photographs would be impolite. Publishing them is not something that a self-cultivator would do. If people with bad karma want to berate me, then so be it. I do not pay any attention to words that praise or blame me. What I care about is benefiting living beings.”

Therefore, no matter how the outside world acted, we complied with the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and did not make public those valuable photographs.

 However, there are now demonic people who are insulting a Buddha and going against their own master. They have already caused great harm to living beings. In order to uphold the dignity of Buddhism and the interests of living beings, we will in this statement refute them with a few points in the hope that these demonic people will stop being bad people, will escape from their state of degeneration, and will have a chance to learn the true Buddha-dharma and attain liberation.

 Why do we call these slanderers demonic people? They have openly denied, insulted, and opposed the decision of their own master of great holiness and virtue to recognize or congratulate H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. That alone is a breach of the fourteen basic precepts of the esoteric school and the planting of seeds leading to rebirth in hell. Such conduct constitutes the conduct of a demonic person.

 Of course, we believe that among such demonic people are many frauds who falsely claim to be disciples of masters of holy virtue. Such individuals have falsely claimed to be disciples of H.H. Dharma King Omniscience Jamyang Lungdok Gyaltsen Achuk Lama of the Nyingma school; H.H. Dharma King Jigme Dorje, the supreme leader of the Jonang school; H.E. Mighty Lion Dharma King Renzeng Nima, who is the root master of Nianlong Rinpoche and Dakini Deri Lamao; H.E. Dharma King Ngagwang Pedma Namgyal Palzangpo of the Jonang school; H.E. Xiazhu Qiuyang Rinpoche of the Geluk school; and H.E. Dorje Rinzin Rinpoche, a person of great holiness and virtue who went into retreat for thirty years. They have also started rumors that these masters of holy virtue did not write recognitions or congratulations. In response, we are now releasing photographs of only those masters of holy virtue who those demonic evildoers mentioned; namely, H.H. Dharma King Omniscience Jamyang Lungdok Gyaltsen, H.H. Dharma King Jigme Dorje, H.E. Mighty Lion Dharma King Renzeng Nima, H.E. Dharma King Ngagwang Pedma Namgyal Palzangpo, H.E. Xiazhu Qiuyang Rinpoche, and H.E. Dorje Rinzin Rinpoche. The photographs were taken when those masters of holy virtue were stamping their seal or fingerprint upon the recognition or congratulatory letter that they wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

 We would first like to express our sincere apology to those dharma kings and rinpoches. We had no choice but to make public those precious and holy photographs. However, we want to emphasize that our goal in providing people of the world with these photographs is not to prevail over anyone or prove that we are genuine and others are false. Rather, our goal is to tell all Buddhist disciples and all good people that they should not be duped and led astray by those demonic people. We even tell those demonic people whose goals are to harm the true dharma of the Tathagata and destroy the wisdom-root of living beings that they should stop before it is too late and repent. Furthermore, we will only respond to these questions this one time. In the future, no matter who it is and no matter what their goals may be, we will definitely not fall into the net of quarreling and samsara laid by those demonic people. We will not turn over and over in that net, responding to them time and time again. That is because those people who have broken the precepts of the esoteric school are not qualified to talk to us. They are full of negative karma. Whoever comes into contact with them will have bad luck. Within the fourteen basic precepts of the esoteric school there is the clear prohibition against discussions with evil people. Therefore, we will definitely not provide any material on other masters of great holiness and virtue in response to the rumors of demonic people.

SECOND, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first one in human history to have truly manifested the state of complete proficiency in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and perfect mastery of the Five Vidyas. The treasure book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III contains thirty different categories of accomplishments attained single-handedly by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Nonetheless, those thirty categories of ccomplishments represent only a tiny bit of the overall accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

If anyone has any doubts about this, we welcome him to take the test according to the rules of the Blue Platform Verification that was established in the book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. That test involves achievements in only two of the thirty categories. Anyone who could do that would not only obtain US$20,000,000, he would also prove that everything he said was correct. Anyone who cannot pass that test but who still wantonly slanders H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and opposes the recognition or congratulation issued by his own master is undoubtedly a demon who insults a Buddha and opposes his master or is a just a scoundrel in society.

THIRD, everyone should ponder the following. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has been able to manifest the dharma through thirty different categories of accomplishments, which shows supreme wisdom unprecedented in history. Assuming that His Holiness had not received recognitions and congratulations from dharma kings and rinpoches of each of the sects of Buddhism, how could such a being of supreme wisdom be so stupid as to falsify documents and thereby subject Himself to great criticism? As publishers, how could we have possibly decided to publish those recognitions and congratulations in the book if we did not have witnesses and evidence proving the genuineness of those documents? If we did not have such witnesses and evidence, what would we use as evidence to prove our case if we wanted to sue those deceivers should they one day become too egregious? The present time is the age of the internet. There is no distinction between far and near anymore with respect to any two places in the world. Anyone with a phone can now determine what is true and what is false. Wouldn’t fabricating those recognitions and congratulations be tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot?

 Take, for example, the recognition letter issued by H.H. Dharma King Sakya Trizin. The content of that original letter is published in the book. What is written in that letter is very clear. You will know what it says from one quick reading of it. Moreover, in front of six people, H.H. Dharma King Sakya Trizin personally handed over that already written recognition letter to two people so they could deliver it. One of those two people was Respected Khenpo Chucheng Qupei, who was conferred the title of khenpo by H.H. Sakya Trizin, and the other was Venerable Baima Dorje Rinpoche. Photographs were taken and there were witnesses. Additionally, Respected Khenpo Chucheng Qupei had a photograph taken of him holding the recognition letter written by the dharma king. Respected Khenpo Chucheng Qupei also wrote a verification about it.

Thus, some demonic people or deceivers pretending to be disciples of these holy dharma kings and rinpoches are spreading rumors and slandering the true dharma of the Tathagata. If anyone dares to continue this slander, this immoral denial of truth, we will certainly sue them. It is very simple. The truth can easily be discerned. The handwriting, seals, and red inkpads of those dharma kings and rinpoches still exist. Their hands certainly touched the recognition certificates that they wrote. Naturally, their fingerprints are on their recognition or congratulatory documents. Simple forensic evidence can determine the truth very clearly. Moreover, there is evidence of the country and the location in the country where each of those dharma kings and rinpoches was at the time they wrote their recognition or congratulation. There are records indicating when the contact person who received such a document entered and left the country. There are photographs that were taken at the time such documents were handed over. There are many people who can testify as to what happened. There is other evidence as well. All of this is sufficient evidence for us to institute a lawsuit and seek compensation for harm to reputation and economic loss. If the harm that those lowly people cause results in loss of sales of a large quantity of books, we will at any cost take legal measures. In that lawsuit, we will make them show their faces, will discredit them thoroughly, and will bankrupt them.

Actually, before the treasure book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was published, Venerable Khu-ston brTson-‘grus g.yung-drung V Henghsing Gyatso Rinpoche, who traveled more than 1,100 kilometers around the island of Taiwan by making a full prostration after each step, predicted that there would be three types of people who would oppose the book. He said, “The first type of people lack knowledge and talent and have low insight. Their opposition will stem from their ignorance and inferior conduct. The second type of people undoubtedly consists of demons who have incarnated as humans. Their savage, cruel, and evil nature will cause them to oppose this book. The third type of people is composed of those who are rinpoches or great dharma teachers in name but who actually lack realization, do not understand both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism, and are not proficient in the Five Vidyas. They will oppose this book in order to hide their shortcomings. However, all three types of people share common characteristics. They express erroneous reasoning, indulge in high-sounding but meaningless talk, utter empty words about the subtleties of Zen, or are so-called highly virtuous people who assume solemn airs. In fact, they have no abilities or realization whatsoever. If you do not believe me, then you should carefully observe them. They could not accomplish the feats shown in even half of the ategories contained in this precious book.” Those people also would not dare say that they will use whatever enlightenment or wisdom they may have to obtain the reward of US$20,000,000 and in so doing show that the recognitions of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III do not stand.

FOURTH, there are many Buddhist disciples today who say that they learn from their dharma king or rinpoche master. They say that their three karmas correspond with those of their master. However, in a disguised or covert way, they actually oppose their dharma king or rinpoche master. For example, there is the Nyingma Tribune published by the Buddhism Alliance Society on the internet. This is a typical example of those who oppose H.H. Dharma King Achuk while flaunting the banner of H.H. Dharma King Achuk. H.H. Dharma Kig Achuk clearly recognized the identity of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Those people, however, in a disguised or covert way, go against their master, H.H. Dharma King Achuk, by wantonly slandering H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Based on this alone, they have already completely violated the first of the fourteen precepts of the esoteric school. The fourteen precepts of the esoteric school were not recklessly made up by someone. Rather, from ancient times to modern times, anyone who learns the esoteric dharma must abide by these precepts.

 For example, when H.H. Dharma King Omniscience Achuk Lama confirmed that Khenpo Aqiong had attained the rainbow body state, he gave clear and definite instructions that strictly prohibited anyone who had violated the fourteen precepts of the esoteric school from touching the deceased body of Khenpo Aqiong. Otherwise, the deceased body of Khenpo Aqiong would not transform into rainbow light. Think about this. Even a greatly accomplished person cannot attain liberation if after he dies his body is touched by one who has violated the fourteen precepts of the esoteric school. Given this, can an ordinary Buddhist disciple who associates with one who has violated the fourteen precepts of the esoteric school still attain liberation? What’s more, those people slandered a Buddha and insulted their master. The only place that could await them is hell!

The fourteen precepts of the esoteric school clearly state that one will descend into the vajra hell if one drinks the same cup of water that an evil person drank or if one sits on the same bench that an evil person sat on. Those precepts also clearly state that if one talks with an evil person or conspires with an evil person one will surely have committed an offense on par with having committed one of the Five Heinous Crimes.

 Thus, we say to all Buddhist disciples and good people that if you have met those demonic people who slander H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and who slander the dharma kings and rinpoches who recognized and congratulated H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, or if you have seen the Nyingma Tribune website or other like websites, articles, etc., you must cut off all relations with such people and must never again visit such websites. Otherwise, not only will you not become accomplished in the dharma, you will instead be contaminated with endless bad karma. Consequently, you will not be able to attain liberation, and you will lose your good fortune and wisdom. But these things are minor compared to the fact that you will be equally culpable as those slanderers.

 This human life is difficult to come by in countless eons, as is the learning of the Buddha-dharma. If you do not become liberated in this lifetime, could it possibly be that instead you will forever stay in the hell of uninterrupted suffering? Quickly leave those deceivers, bad people, and demonic people. Change your evil ways and follow what is good. If you have slandered out of ignorance, quickly repent and move back toward the shore of salvation. If you do, the magnificent H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III will empower you, and the dharma kings and rinpoches of great virtue will pray for your good fortune. They will do this to enable you to leave the sea of suffering soon. If you have the karmic affinity to hear only five days of the recorded dharma discourses of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, that will be enough. You will be moved at having found the true dharma of the Tathagata!

 We will not discuss here all of the many supreme teachings on the dharma given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. We will only mention here that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has vowed that He will simply benefit living beings and that He will never accept offerings. Is that the conduct of a deceiver or bad person? What bad person in this world has such a mentality? Are there prior examples of this in history? No. There is not even one prior example! Only H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, this most magnificent Buddha, has made such a vow and has carried it out!!!

FIFTH, both humans and celestial beings deeply admire the awesome virtue of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. On June 21, 2008 in San Francisco, U.S.A., the International Buddhism Sangha Association held a grand assembly to honor the treasure book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. At that dharma assembly, the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and dharma protecting deities made nectar descend from a holy tree in order to offer their congratulations. At that time, the hot sun was high in the sky, and it was 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Still, nectar fell for two days and two nights, like fluttering snowflakes in a big snowfall. More than one thousand people who were there witnessed that scene. We welcome everyone to view the video of that scene shot live. That video will be given as a gift to all those with the karmic affinity to receive it. Could it possibly be that an ordinary person is able evoke such wonderful and auspicious phenomena? This thoroughly proves that the treasure book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is a treasury of the highest Buddha-dharma!

 Let us not engage in idle talk. No matter what status you may have, if you have special abilities, then respond to the Blue Platform Verification offer and obtain the reward of US$20,000,000. If you make false charges, slander, or deny yet do not dare respond to the Blue Platform Verification offer, then everyone will know that you are just a demonic person or deceiver who cannot bear the light of day. That is because you have no morals, wisdom, or skills!

World Buddhism Publishing
World Dharma Voice Inc.
July 4, 2008

1. H.H. Dharma King Omniscience Achuk Lama stamps his second fingerprint onto the recognition letter he wrote recognizing the identity of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
H.H. Dharma King Omniscience Achuk Lama stamps his second fingerprint onto the recognition letter he wrote recognizing the identity of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

2. H.H. Dharma King Jigme Dorje stamps his seal onto his congratulatory letter to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that he had already signed.
 H.H. Dharma King Jigme Dorje stamps his seal onto his congratulatory letter to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that he had already signed

3. Dharma King Ngagwang Pedma Namgyal Palzangpo stamps his dharma king seal onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Dharma King Ngagwang Pedma Namgyal Palzangpo stamps his dharma king seal onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

4. H.E. Dharma King Xiazhu Qiuyang has just stamped his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
 H.E. Dharma King Xiazhu Qiuyang has just stamped his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

5. H.E. Dharma King Renzeng Nima holds the recognition letter he wrote recognizing the identity of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
H.E. Dharma King Renzeng Nima holds the recognition letter he wrote recognizing the identity of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

6.  Dorje Rinzin Rinpoche, master of the seventh Dzogchen Dharma King in China, stamps his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
 Dorje Rinzin Rinpoche, master of the seventh Dzogchen Dharma King in China, stamps his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

7. Respected Khenpo Chucheng Qupei verifies that the recognition letter of H.H. Dharma King Sakya Trizin was personally given to him and Venerable Baima Dorje Rinpoche by H.H. Dharma King Sakya Trizin.
 Respected Khenpo Chucheng Qupei verifies that the recognition letter of H.H. Dharma King Sakya Trizin was personally given to him and Venerable Baima Dorje Rinpoche by H.H. Dharma King Sakya Trizin.
In accordance with the recognition of Jamyang Lungdok Gyaltsen Achuk, I hereby recognize that H.H. Yangwo Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, the son of father Zhonghai Yee and mother Kunfang Xu, is venerable Vimalakirti II, Buddha Vajradhara Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Supreme Dharma King of the Sakya Order
Sakya Trizin

December 10, 2006

8. The verification written by Respected Khenpo Chucheng Qupei. The content of that verification is as follows:
The verification written by Respected Khenpo Chucheng Qupei. The content of that verification is as follows

On December 10, 2006, after Baima Dorje of the Shechen Monastery and I received from H.H. Sakya Dharma King the recognition letter in which H.H. Sakya Dharma King recognized the son of father Zhonghai Yee and mother Kunfang Xu as an incarnated rinpoche, the two of us handed that recognition letter over to the intended party.

Best wishes!
Written on an auspicious day by Chucheng Qupei
December 21, 2006