2016年8月7日 星期日

美國舊金山華藏寺 地藏菩薩聖誕法會

美國舊金山華藏寺 地藏菩薩聖誕法會
消災祈福 超渡拔薦 地藏法會
  欣慶佛歡喜日,暨地藏菩薩聖誕,聯合國際世界佛教總部(U.I.W.B.A.H.)、華藏寺(Hua Zang Si)及聖格講堂(Sanger Mission)將於2016年8月28日(星期日)上午9:30,在舊金山華藏寺大雄寶殿聯合啟建《超渡拔薦地藏法會》。屆時將誦經,舉行超薦佛事及佛前大供,還將設超薦牌位和消災祈福祿位。歡迎十方善信踴躍參與,共霑法益!
To celebrate the Pavarana Day and the holy birthday of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters, Hua Zang Si, and Sanger Mission will jointly hold a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Dharma Assembly, in which the consciousness of the deceased will be transmigrated to higher realms, on Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. in the Sakyamuni Buddha Hall at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco. We will chant sutras, perform the Buddhist ritual of transmigrating the consciousness of the deceased, and make offerings to Buddhas. 

The practice of the transmigration of the consciousness will be dedicated to the deceased listed in Form A. Prayers for fortune and elimination of disasters will be dedicated to the ones listed in Form B. We welcome all good believers in ten directions to join us and share the Dharma benefit.

Contact Number 聯繫電話: 415- 920 9816
Wesite 網站:www.huazangsi.org
Email 電子信箱:hzsmails@gmail.com

Address 地址: 3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110